Why now?

I am certain that much like the Scriptures, I'll relfect on this to see how God is faithful, loving, full of grace, and never ceasing to work out His vision for the world to worship Him! Feel free to check in regularly as I use this blog to journal the journey that God has in store for my family and ministry.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Salvage Jerry

It is apparent that Jerry has been done the wrong road a time or two.  When he focused in on me at the salvage yard, I could hardly discern what he was thinking...yet it was apparent that when he narrowed in on me, he was hoping for something.  

a woman named Martha welcomed him into her house. 39And she had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to his teaching.40But Martha was distracted with much serving. And she went up to him and said, “Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her then to help me.” 41But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, 42but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.”  (Luke 10:38-42)

Cordial greetings led way to generic responses offering a window into the heart.  Jerry could hardly voice that he was "okay" without a dose of wishfulness that he was better.  As he probed me to know my occupation, I reluctantly released that I was a pastor (usually a conversation killer...), but this time around it was only the beginning.  For approximately the next 20 minutes he and I talked and listened to one another as the Word of God was spoken over his addiction, his selfishness and his broken life and relationships.  All around us, others were busy about their work, which was good, but Jerry sat and listened to the Lord's teaching.  At one point, an apparent coworker of Jerry made a snide remark to him in hopes of getting him back into action...Jerry's response was a humble whisper of "Yeh, but I am doing what is better."  

I don't know if Jerry was brought into the family of God this day...he already had some Scriptural knowledge, though it was skewed at best.  I was able to listen through his meth induced rambling and follow up with encouragement and instruction through the teachings of Christ.  Good as the entire interaction was, it was the closing comments which stick with me today.

Jerry looks me in the eye as says, "You've listened to me.  Others have seen me and had a lot to say about "I this...I that."  But you have listened through my stuttering and rambling."  Without a doubt, I could see the gratitude in this man from another person taking time to listen.  And apparently there was another man in Jerry's past who had shown great compassion for him during a previous season, because he spoke John's name with great respect and great remorse...as though maybe Jerry had not valued John fully until that moment.

Studying the gospel of Mark combined with my daily encounters is really doing a work on me today...
Mark 1:  Jesus calls disciples to be "fishers of men."
Mark 2:  Jesus shares a meal table with "sinners."
Mark 3:  Jesus has diseased and hurting pressing in to "touch him."
Mark 4:  Jesus says to sow the Word liberally in order to harvest some.

Apart from the things God has revealed in these passages...Jerry may have been brushed off as just another strange man to avoid.  Instead, the life of Jesus was recalled to mind as Jerry and I shook hands and parted ways.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

I had begun to question...

There has been much reason for encouragement lately as we continue the effort in helping others depend upon and follow Christ more fully.  One of the greatest encouragements has come from a young man who I am investing my life and time into on a regular basis.
Isaiah has proven a couple of things to me that I had begun to question...

1.  Teenagers are fully capable of digesting and obeying the Truth of God.  As we sit across the table from one another each week, it is amazing the understanding that is had for the Story of God in the gospel.  He gets it!  Not only does he get it, but he is doing it!  As the Holy Spirit speaks, he listens and obeys.  None of the things which he has been obedient to came by me, but by the Word of God...none of it required persuasion from be but fully persuaded in the Spirit, obedience was found.  I have been praying for quite some time that God would send teenage men who are spiritually discerning.  While most young men are distracted by toys, Isaiah has been distracted by the work of God in his life in the last five months.  I am grateful for what God is doing in and through his life.
2.  Evangelism is not for the elite, but for all who follow Christ.  As someone who had a late start on sharing my faith in the public realm, I was disillusioned into thinking that only those who are "really serious" about their faith would tell others about Jesus.  While it is true that some simply won't open there mouth...it is also true that if we equip people with skills and a plan, some will.  Its encouraging to hear Isaiah tell me of the conversations he has been able to have with those on his bus.  Each week that we gather, he has stories to tell and people to pray for.  And just as fun, are the opportunities we receive because we meet in a public space each week.  Just yesterday we found ourselves sitting with a young lady who works at the donut shop we meet at each week, sharing the truth about Jesus and inviting her to know Him.  Not all people will open their mouth...but some will.

I am praying for those who have begun to share their faith in our town.  Praying for the Holy Spirit to speak with power and conviction as we share His Story.  Praying that eternities be changed and lives be transformed because we were wanting and willing to be used.  I hope...no, I believe that in the days to come these posts will tell of the lives that have been given to Christ as "some" went out and opened their lives and mouths to tell of this great Story.