Feeling significant is easy...take on tasks which require skill, endurance, and passion. Accomplish something big and stamp your name on it for history to see.
Feeling small is difficult...obtain a passion for those forgotten, take on the impossible, walk in long suffering. Stamp someone else's name on your accomplishments for history to see, or ignore.
Is life found in achieving immortality, or in knowing I am a vapor, a passing shadow, a flower that comes forth and withers and my length of days is a mere moment.
Is life at the end of the path proclaiming "I am someone!" or on the edge of an infinite sea, in the depth of the darkest forrest, within the words "Let there be light...and there was."
What if we ceased pursing greatness and pursued insignificance? What if?
What if we fathered the fatherless.
...cared for the widow.
...submit to our husbands.
...loved our wives.
...honored our parents.
...brought up our children.
...submit to our husbands.
...loved our wives.
...honored our parents.
...brought up our children.
...were generous toward the poor.
...visited the prisoner.
"The greatest among you shall be your servant."
(Psalm 144:4, 39:5, Genesis 1:3, James 1:27, Ephesians 5:22, 25, 6:2, 4, Matthew 23:11)