Few things in this world are as overwhelming as standing on the beach, looking out over the ocean...or laying in a field staring up at the night sky. The incredible size of the ocean and massive expanse of the sky make a single human feel quite insignificant in comparison.
So when God takes Abram outside and points to the stars in order to cast a vision for his life, I've no doubt he was humbled as he gazed at the stars.
"Look up at the heavens and count the stars--if indeed you can count them." Then he said to him, "So shall your offspring be." Genesis 15:5
It's obvious that many of us are consumed with "what is", our current reality is used as an excuse for why we can't be something else...God is consumed with "what could be." Every time you open up God's Word it is as if you stand in Abram's position and you "Look up at the heavens and count the stars."
Next time you open God's Word and see a vision that God speaks into you which seems a bit overwhelming, this is God telling you "what could be." My one piece of advice is this...Don't remind Him who you are but remember who He is.