Fact: your brand new IPad
is out of date
Fact: your soon to be brand new IPad 2 will be out of date by the time you learn how to use it
In the world we live in it is IMPOSSIBLE to keep up with all the constant changes. If I attempt to, I will be financially and emotionally broken. In a life of following Christ we have the same struggles. Whether in a "ministry" position or a pew (we still have these at our church), there is a constant desire to do what is relevant. This is not completely negative! The world's culture evolves daily and therefore the church should in some ways evolve with it.
Fact: people today don't go where people went 20 years ago
(skating rinks and phone booths are proof)
Fact: churches are closing doors that will never open again
(good or bad the world is changing!)
In days gone by we would communicate through bulky rotary phones and today we whip out our sleek cell phones...though the line of communication looks much different we are still saying the same thing. The style of phone doesn't change my purpose for calling, how cool I look doesn't alter what I need to say. Jesus gave all of us a calling and He was very clear about it...
"All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you." Matthew 28:18-20
Jesus didn't dictate the method of communication...but He was clear on our calling.
1. Make disciples of Jesus Christ
2. Baptise them in the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit
3. Teach these believers a life of obedience to Jesus
What keeps us from answering Jesus' call on our life?
1. Caller I.D. Have we blocked our call?
2. Too busy keeping up with Apple's latest and greatest IPhone (being relevant and cool) to answer the call?
3. Rotary phone (what we've always done) is broken and we're unwilling to admit it?
Realize the call of Jesus...realize what is priority in life...be willing to cut the land line and invest in an IPhone
(What I mean is don't spend more time repairing than communicating, this makes no sense with phones so why would it with making disciples)
...be willing to turn the rotary if it still completes the call.
(What I mean is don't spend more time repairing than communicating, this makes no sense with phones so why would it with making disciples)
...be willing to turn the rotary if it still completes the call.