Why now?

I am certain that much like the Scriptures, I'll relfect on this to see how God is faithful, loving, full of grace, and never ceasing to work out His vision for the world to worship Him! Feel free to check in regularly as I use this blog to journal the journey that God has in store for my family and ministry.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Waiting Stinks

Waiting...there are very few things in this world that match the difficulty of waiting.  We can't wait for someone to call us back so we have call waiting.  The biggest event of my week was going into the revenue office and NOT having to "get a number!"  Personally, I feel like I'm good a doing.  When I think of an idea...I've probably already begun the process.  But waiting???  Waiting stinks.

"Yet those who wait for the LORD
         Will gain new strength;
         They will mount up with wings like eagles,
         They will run and not get tired,
         They will walk and not become weary."  Isaiah 40:31 (NASB)

As Shelli and I have entered a ministry that is new to us we now find ourselves waiting.  No doubt I'm working and running and striving...but yet waiting.  I find myself seeing the BIG picture of what ministry will look like, then I find myself running towards it.  Then, I find myself tired and weary.  Waiting...

One thing I know is that waiting gives way to greater faith.  I've waited for the Lord before and I'll do it again because those who wait will not grow weary.  Today don't grow weary in waiting, strength is in the Lord.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Say it! Say "Uncle!"

Remember the feeling of being crammed into a headlock by your older brother, or having your arm stretched and twisted beyond what nature intended, and having that voice echoing through your ear screaming, "Say it!  Say uncle!"

There is a knee jerk reaction that wants to give in and accept relief from the pain and suffering, but then there is that voice from within that hates to lose.  Which one wins? 

When life throws those arm twisting and head lock giving struggles your way, what is your knee jerk response?  Do you scream uncle at the first twitch of pain?  Or do you avoid that voice for the other one, the one that says my God is greater than my uncle!

Scripture tells us to "rejoice in our sufferings" and to "consider it pure joy...whenever you face trials."  This is among the most absurd of statements made in Scripture...to the unbeliever.  How can the believer see the compromising positions that life has for us in a different light than others?  How can we shout praise to our Lord instead of shouting for salvation from our family?  Because...

Perseverance = Character = Hope

Faith that is stretched and pushed to it's breaking point, results in greater faith.  Faith that cries uncle at the first sight of trouble, is stunted in growth and will likely never leave the playground in which it is tortured by it's bullies.  And consider this, the hope that is produced by perseverance and character may be the hope that someone else needs...crying uncle may not only leave you weak, it could leave others weak as well.

(Rom. 5, James 1)

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Follow Me

As a young pastor I've often wondered two things...
- Who will my first wedding be for?
- Who will my first funeral be for?

While the former is left unknown, I now know the answer for the latter.  This Tuesday we held a funeral for Shelli's grandmother, Mrs. Leota Warford.  I was honored to be invited by Shelli's father to deliver the message for the service.  What a great thing to be a part of a celebration of one's life who loved the Lord.  Don't get me wrong, there is sorrow in the loss but it can't outweigh the hope that is found in the resurrection of our Savior.  The text that was used in the ceremony says much about the mood,

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.  I do not give to you as the world gives.  Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."  John 14:27

Praise Jesus that He does not give as the world gives!  He doesn't dangle a carrot in front of our face that is always just out of reach.  He doesn't concern himself with wealth, comfort, or status but gives freely according to "His great riches."  Jesus doesn't give according to what you already have or what you deserve, He doesn't hold a lean on our account because he first gave and now it's our turn. 

Praise Jesus that salvation is free for us because it cost Him everything!  He doesn't give according to how good our credit score is but blesses beyond what we could fathom.  Do not be troubled because we have a God who gives peace!  A God who doesn't take back what was given!  A God who loves unconditionally!

With one simple request, everything God gives is offered to us.  With one statement from a man walking down the beach, the Kingdom is at hand.  Jesus, with every blessing in hand says, "Follow Me."


Monday, November 1, 2010

Being An Answered Prayer

Have you ever been an answered prayer?  You know what I mean...someone else is praying for something and along comes you, and at that very moment you are exactly what they were pleading to God for.  I must admit that this is all too uncommon in my life, but occasionally it happens.

This past weekend I had the honor of being an answered prayer, I don't say this to boast in anything other than to boast in my Savior.  None of us are capable of doing anything that makes us worthy or capable of being such a blessing in another life, but "God is so rich in His mercy" that He would do such a thing.  In Sunday's message I managed to make the journey to one of my favorite chapters in the New Testament, Ephesians 2.  In this text, Paul makes a statement that we miss the point of all too often.

"God raised us up with Christ [that's salvation through grace]...in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us through Christ Jesus."  Eph. 2:6-7

So what???  The grace that was offered to me through the death and resurrection of Jesus was NOT ONLY for my salvation but that I might be an answered prayer to someone else.  So that in the days to come, others might see what God has done in me and think..."Hey, you think God might do that for me too?"